The book is finished………

‘Thank goodness for that’ my close friends and family cry – especially Chris who comes home from a full day at work to find me slumped over the computer declaring that I’ve been busy all day. Luckily he’s a brilliant cook otherwise we’d have the local takeaways on speed dial.

There’s been months of writing and many people have played a part in this amazing journey so a HUGE – Thank you to you all.

I’d like to especially mention Sandra (The Grammar Queen) who has spent hours correcting my heinous grammar and punctuation. I know one of these days I should embark on some sort of English grammar course.

Also thanks to Lily Newman and the Tuesday Club girls for all their encouragement in the last two years ( Lily our mentor has kept me focused on writing and achieving my goal of finishing Under A Greek Spell.

There is also Jen (Miss Whip Cracker) don’t ask – another story, who has nudged me along each week and read the book in its raw A4 217 page format. She’s on her way now with it – probably pulling it on a sledge.

So you’d expect me to be running around like a kid in a sweetshop with a £20 budget. I’ve since found out there is quite a lot of hard work to do just yet to get the book to an agent. Then as Milly Johnson the novelist points out ‘getting a book deal is not the top of Everest, it’s base camp’.

So as I’ve not even got the book published I will resume my position at the base of South Head standing at 494 m (1621 ft) and dream of Everest at 8,848 m (29,029 ft)
